The company first started at Hong Kong Science Park in 2012 as an Incubatee, with a Paradigm-Shift project that aimed to develop a lighting product that helps to reduce energy consumption, carbon emissions and maintenance costs.
We are a vibrant, up-coming “green-biz” company embarking upon development and promotion of new, green and healthy lighting solutions.
Our Dream
Our dream is to build a viable business model, offer solution services, and integrate into sustainable energy-saving systems, triggering off massive changes to green lightings, thereby enhancing the quality of the environment, ushering in a Green Age making Earth a more livable & sustainable planet, and educating people to “reduce, reuse, recycle”. We hope this meaningful business will be our legacy to future generations.
Our Vision
In view of today’s world economic and innovation outlook, there will be more “glooms & dooms” than “wows & booms”. No company can single-handedly trigger off a lighting change of a volume significant enough to sustain them individually.
Nonetheless, by pooling together enough capable companies in a formidable partnership, we hope to implement a “supply chain management” for production of our products, with a game-changing novel application to our product design. In our new business model, stake-holders cum share holders to build business relationship; competitors become collaborators to defuse market rivalry, bringing in a brand-new working environment that enables people to work more healthily and happily, thus we live up to our motto : Making a world of difference, Together !